Postcards from the November 11, 1911 Cyclone in Virginia, Illinois

Many thanks to Jacqueline for scanning and sharing.

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Northwest corner of the square

West on Beardstown St. (Old county jail)

The Opera house

The High School

Hotel Mann

West Beardstown Street

At Robert Knight's

Middleton home

M.E. Church

Another view of the M.E Church

Boston Brick

Huffman home

Whitaker home

West Springfield Street

Charles Caywood home

Menzies Home

It appears that Virginia, Illinois was not the only place to have suffered violent weather on that particular date.

  • In Oklahoma City. OK record high and low temperatures were set in the same day. Records for that date that still exist. Article here.

  • There was also a violent tornado in Rock County, WI on that same day. Article here.

  • Chicago recorded their greatest one day-to-the-next change: 61 degrees (from 74 degrees on November 11, 1911, to 13 degrees on the 12th.

  • There was a tornado in Owosso, Michigan on that date. Article here.

  • See also the article about "The Great Blue Norther of 11/11/11" on Wikepedia.
